3 Marketing Operations Manager Resume Examples for 2024

Stephen Greet
Stephen Greet April 16, 2024
3 Marketing Operations Manager Resume Examples for 2024

Marketing budget strategy, goal planning, and project execution: You handle it all! You help your marketing team stay coordinated and on track with each initiative and collaborate with other departments to improve overall company success.

But you might still have some questions about your resume. What kind of style should it have? What job skills should you really focus on?

No sweat! We’ve helped plenty of people in marketing and operations management get where they want to be in their fields, so your impressive overlap of skills should be no problem. With our resume examples, you can choose from any or the three following templates and tips to get started!

Marketing Operations Manager Resume

Marketing operations manager resume example with 5+ years experience

Clean Marketing Operations Manager Resume

Clean marketing operations manager resume example

What Matters Most: Your Skills & Work History

Your resume skills and work experience

Your skill set as a marketing operations manager is a fascinating balance act: You call upon hard, technical skills on a regular basis to formulate plans for how to improve things next. But you also employ soft skills to convey your ideas to others at multiple communication levels.

Recruiters want to see a bit of everything to know how seamlessly you can navigate the many facets of your job role. But make sure that everything you list is highly profession-specific and relevant!

You also want to be super specific with your skills: List helpful software tools by name, and skip generic terms like “communication” in favor of something more fine-tuned like “stakeholder relations.”

9 best marketing operations manager skills

  • Salesforce
  • Pipedrive
  • Project Management
  • HubSpot
  • Google Ads
  • Google Analytics
  • MS Excel
  • Stakeholder Relations
  • Team Leadership

Sample marketing operations manager work experience bullet points

Once your skills list is polished to a shine, it’s time to tell recruiters what you did with that knowledge! Give a broad range of examples that demonstrate critical thinking, leadership, and a drive for improvement.

By showing examples of previous accomplishments that fit in with marketing operations management, like improving employee performance via meetings, you’re telling them how you’ll help your next employer. That’s the good stuff!

Just make sure you back up your experiences and achievements with metrics that show their positive impact. Use quantifiable data to demonstrate how your actions produced measurable, positive results.

Here are some samples:

  • Organized and presented data analysis and performance results, making recommendations to upper management that improved campaign ROIs by 9%
  • Negotiated with vendors, reducing shipment and delivery fees by 11% while decreasing delivery times by two days
  • Managed the development of more robust reporting for the customer support team, improving customer NPS by 11% year-to-year
  • Handled customer complaints, reducing instances of negative Google reviews and BBB reports by 89%
  • Established a culture of data collection and A/B testing that increased campaign performance, leading to a 72% average campaign improvement

Top 5 Tips for Your Marketing Operations Manager Resume

  1. Make “Professional” your layout theme
    • When you work in any marketing area, it’s tempting to get decorative with your resume template! But recruiters are more interested in readability. So keep color usage understated and minimal, and use clear, plain fonts.
  2. Demonstrate project ownership
    • As a marketing operations manager, demonstrate your willingness to take on a project and see it through to success—individually and in a team setting! So, pick experience examples that demonstrate your willingness to lead and manage initiatives to the finish line.
  3. Don’t ramble!
    • Keep each experience point brief while loading it with the key info. Recruiters want to know what the project was (data collection), context for why you guided it (to establish a culture of data gathering), how you did it (Google Analytics and A/B testing), and what metrics you improved (72% improvement in campaign).
  4. Stick with one page
    • It can be really tricky to fit all your accomplishments onto just one page by this point, but it really is a priority! You also demonstrate marketing efficiency and communication when you can keep your resume short yet effective.
  5. Show flexibility
    • Try to vary your metrics and bullet points as much as you can to show that you’re adaptable within your role. After all, life is filled with curveballs—and those curveballs don’t stay out of the workplace! Recruiters need to know you’re ready to adapt, should the market or supply chain suddenly shift.
How do I hold the reader’s interest?

Speak to the job description and the company’s values. While one company may be on the lookout for skills in Marketo and expertise in automation, another company may be more focused on analytics.

Focus your resume objective, skills, and work experience on addressing the company’s needs.

Which resume format is best for a marketing operations manager?

As a marketing operations manager, you have serious experience. Past work in this role (which is likely your most recent) should be the star of the show. Follow a reverse-chronological resume format so that more mid- and entry-level roles, such as your time as a marketing specialist or project management, are at the bottom.

Do I need a cover letter?

Probably. Writing a cover letter is your opportunity to expand on what your resume could only briefly address. Again, tailor this to the job marketing operations manager job ad. If they’re interested in your negotiation abilities, expound on when you managed an 11% fee reduction with significant vendors.