You might work under senior web developers since you’re in a junior role, but you’re probably still involved in all the developmental stages of your team’s projects! You help with planning designing, implementing, testing, and gathering feedback on new web content.
But you might not have such a complete understanding of how to make a free resume maker and complementary junior web developer cover letter work for you. How do you show the best parts of your current planning and testing roles while still demonstrating an eagerness to learn more?
You’re going to do great. We’ve got some solid advice based on years of experience in helping people land excellent web dev jobs, plus three junior web developer resume templates and a free AI cover letter generator to help you out.
What Matters Most: Your Skills & Professional Experience

It’s time to show off those skills! As you can already imagine, the skill set you present should be highly technical to show that you’re ready to roll as a full-fledged web developer with a complete toolkit.
A couple of soft skills could be beneficial to include in some cases like team programming projects, but make sure these are worded logically and apply directly to web development. Your main focus should be on your technical abilities, though!
And those technical skills need to be very specific. Don’t just say “database software” or anything similarly vague: Name the tools you use!
For example:
9 most popular junior web developer skills
- JavaScript
- Python
- React.js
- MaterialUI
- JQuery
- MongoDB
- Feedback Integration
Sample junior web developer work experience bullet points
Those skills are looking downright snazzy—but what have you used them for so far? Recruiters want to know! Use the data graphing and update design experiences you already have to build a solid foundation for what you can do in your future job role.
Many people in junior roles worry that their experience won’t be enough, but you can include more than just official jobs in your experience section. Notable school projects and community involvement can boost your qualifications, too, as long as they relate to web development.
And always remember to measure your impact with quantifiable data! You need metrics of your success, especially as a junior web developer: Think of improved click rates and strategy efficiency percentages.
Here are some examples:
- Briefed development team on website research and made suggestions for website builds/products, saving the development team over 427 hours of work
- Collaborated with designers and performance team on designing updates to sites and blogs, improving user experience by 41%
- Engaged in 113+ hours of WordPress training and PHP crash course with lead designer, improving development strategy efficiency by 17%
- Used MaterialUI to create visual graphs and charts to display consensus data results, improving meeting engagement by 13%
Top 5 Tips for Your Junior Web Developer Resume
- Metrics are essential!
- You really don’t want to skimp on metrics! Quantifiable indicators of previous success (like viewer retention or user experience improvement rates) make you a way more noticeable candidate by showing that you know what matters: Results!
- What about relevant courses?
- In your education section, make sure you include any relevant courses that further reinforce your readiness for that junior web development role. This includes independent classes and certification workshops that add to your Python or database management powers!
- Don’t skimp on skills
- While you don’t want your skills list to be too long, you really don’t want to sell yourself short. Name all kinds of versatile tools you can use, from MongoDB to MaterialUI, instead of flattening them into categories (even if you list similar dev tools together, which is smart)!
- No, really: Spotlight your versatility
- Demonstrating your versatility and adaptability will go really far in a web development role! No two websites are the same, and even the most common issues that pop up will come with curveballs. Use a variety of contextual examples to show that you’re ready for whatever’s next.
- Polish your template
- Pick whichever creative template places your greatest achievements right in the spotlight! For instance, if you have less experience—but tons of relevant courses and skills—then you might want to display your computer science degree and web development skills sections in a sleek side column.
A resume objective can really help someone in a junior role: Take the opportunity to highlight a couple of relevant personal attributes, like problem-solving or critical thinking, and specific software proficiencies. State how they’ll benefit your future web development team.
A page or less is optimal. You don’t want to go over one page, since that will make your application seem clunky; you want your qualifications to look as clean as your code. But you don’t have to fill the page either: Think “Quality over quantity!”
Sometimes you have enough job experience and cool projects that you actually struggle to keep your junior web development resume brief! If this applies to you, save your favorite “runner-up” points for a cover letter. Then you can go into the background details that make you a desirable junior web dev!