11 Digital Marketing Resume Examples for 2024

Stephen Greet
Stephen Greet June 10, 2024
11 Digital Marketing Resume Examples for 2024

You’ve heard the saying that the hardest part is getting started. When it’s time to write your digital marketing resume or create a cover letter, staring at a blank page is undoubtedly the worst and most intimidating part of the process.

To help alleviate this stress, we’ve researched what hiring managers want to see on digital marketing resumes. Now we’re sharing our findings with you so you can build a resume with confidence.

These digital marketing resume samples have helped digital marketers get interviews at companies like Slack and Stripe, so they’re a great place to get inspiration for your own resume. No matter what digital marketing role you’re striving for, use our writing tips and templates to help you land more interviews (and get the job) in 2024!

Digital Marketing Resume

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digital marketing resume example with 11 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • The format of your digital marketing resume should be easy to read for both a human and a computer. This means you should avoid any graphics or complicated formatting.
    • To help you with the formatting process, you can choose a resume template so you can easily edit and rearrange sections to your liking. Just be sure to keep everything to one page!
  • As a digital marketer, you know firsthand the importance of metrics and reporting. As such, you should strive to use numbers whenever possible, especially as they relate to money.
    • Think about what you’ve done and how that might translate to revenue or savings.
    • For example, did you introduce a new tool that saved your company hours of manual labor? Did you implement new sales funnel techniques that created more conversions?

Digital Marketing Manager Resume

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Digital marketing manager resume example with 7 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • In your digital marketing manager resume, you must show ownership over the projects you’ve worked on in the past. The fastest way to do this is through the use of action verbs like “owned,” “optimized,” “led,” and “developed” with your work experience bullet points.
    • Project ownership also means that you’re in charge of the outcome, so if you have definitive metrics related to your success, include them! 
  • Hiring managers spend an average of seven seconds reviewing one resume, so it’s vital to make a good impression immediately.

Entry-Level Digital Marketing Resume

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entry-level digital marketing resume example with 5 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • When you’re looking for your first full-time role, you likely won’t have much work experience to draw from. That’s okay—you can add additional sections and expand on other skills to show you’re suitable for the job!
    • If you have a college degree, an easy way to demonstrate your skills is by adding a “relevant courses” section. Include a handful of relevant marketing, sales, or communication courses to show what you’ve learned quickly.
    • You can also add a projects section to show you have the drive to succeed as a digital marketer. Don’t have any projects? No problem! You can create a personal website or build your own social media following to showcase your skills.
  • Entry-level job seekers usually have difficulty making their resume one full page. An easy way to add content is by inserting a resume objective.
    • This three-to-four-sentence statement explains some of your skills, which job you’re applying for, and what you hope to bring to your future workplace. We’d recommend writing a full paragraph and then cutting it down in stages until you’ve got a concise statement that immediately sells your qualifications.

Senior Digital Marketing Manager Resume

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Senior digital marketing manager resume example with 11 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • The more you gain experience, the more your work history should take up space on your resume. But even though your work experience should take up more space, you need to be pickier about what you include.
    • Since you’re applying for a senior role, your work must reflect increased responsibility. Always include any opportunities you’ve had leading a team or developing campaigns from scratch.
    • Use strong action verbs like “built,” “supervised,” and “directed” to further highlight your leadership abilities!
  • Work experience isn’t the only thing that matters on your senior digital marketing manager resume; the skills section of your resume is also vital to your success.
    • Although soft skills are important, most of your skills should be hard (aka technical) skills you’ve learned. Good examples include Google Analyticsemail marketing, SEO, and paid acquisition

Digital Marketing Intern Resume

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Digital marketing intern resume example with freelance experience

Why this resume works

  • Looking for an internship to boost your digital marketing prowess? You must show your word mastery and skills to drive traffic and get conversions based on projects and academic experience you’ve built to date.
    • Your metrics on SEO achievements, traffic conversions, and ability to leverage digital tools to grow ROI will add authority to your digital marketing intern resume.

Digital Marketing Executive Resume

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Digital marketing executive resume example with 5 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • For someone as high ranking as an executive, you need right combination of skills and tools to prove your worth in the role.
    • When listing down the skills in your digital marketing executive resume, remember to add research tools such as SEMrush and Google Analytics. Proficiency in these tools speaks volumes about your expertise in monitoring traffic data and staying on top of each digital trend!

Digital Marketing Strategist Resume

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Digital marketing strategist resume example with 8 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • Just because your job involves marketing, it doesn’t mean you need to be the anchor of every campaign. Instead, show the employer how you do justice to this role by creating strategies that help the entire team achieve great numbers.
    • Try taking inspiration from Noah’s first bullet point and see how his digital marketing strategist resume gets straight to the point and adds how his leadership in a backlink strategy improves domain authority by 62%!

Digital Marketing Coordinator Resume

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Digital marketing coordinator resume example with 3 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • Your work as a digital marketing coordinator is to deliver results in customer growth through sustainable business expansion.
    • Recruiters want to see your metrics on sales, positive customer engagement, revenue generation, and unique solutions to business problems in your digital marketing resume.

Digital Marketing Analyst Resume

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Digital marketing analyst resume example with 9 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • Your goal with your digital marketing analyst resume is to get a job and to do that, you must demonstrate your ability to turn data into meaningful marketing insights.
    • So, that means you need to show the results of your work. What did you do that resulted in a positive impact on the company?
    • For example, did you save time by automating reports? Did you uncover an insight through A/B testing that improved conversion or retention rate? You’ve done good things; now you just need to find and define them!
  • You know your content has to be on point, but did you know that looks matter, too? Just think about it: would you rather read a resume with defined sections, bulleted lists, and some color, or a black-and-white list with no white space?
    • The first option sounds much better, of course! Make the formatting process easier by using a resume template that’s easy to edit so you can move sections, add color, change fonts, and more. Make your resume as unique as you!

Digital Marketing Specialist Resume

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Digital marketing specialist resume example with 15 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • Demonstrate your keen eye for organization by formatting your resume so it’s easy to see your well-rounded abilities at a glance.
    • Use bulleted lists to make your skills and work experience points easy to skim or speed-read.
  • Now’s the time to think about the details of your digital marketing specialist resume! Each point in your resume should clarify your desired direction and reinforce how you’re honing your career.
    • Take every opportunity to demonstrate relevance toward the job at hand. Hopefully, your most recent jobs are also the most relevant, so all you should have to do is alter minor details to match the job description.
    • Vouch for yourself by packing your work history with measurable examples of accomplishments, like retention rate boosts or large-scale projects.

Digital Marketing Director Resume

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Digital marketing director resume example with 18 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • To get a director job, you have to write a quality resume, which means your experience section needs to include relevant jobs showing your leadership skills.
    • Since you’re applying for a high-level position, you need to show how you’ve advanced in your career, which you can do by emphasizing your most recent accomplishments. Did you create new marketing campaigns that resulted in higher conversions? Did you acquire a host of new clients? Think back on what you’ve achieved and how you can use that to your advantage!
  • Quantifiable examples of success speak volumes, so back up your claims with numbers on your digital marketing director resume.
    • For example, if you increased customer satisfaction rates, how much did they improve? How many departments did you work with? Adding numbers is an excellent way for employers to evaluate your work!

Writing Your Digital Marketing Resume

Overwhelmed job seeker at desk with hands in air questions how to write job materials

Your digital marketing resume serves as your first impression to employers, which means you want it to be formatted correctly for prospective employers. Correct resume formatting ensures your digital marketing resume is readable, logical, and professional. 

The most popular formats for resumes are the reverse-chronological, functional, and combination/hybrid formats.

Reverse-chronological, functional, and combination formats

  • Reverse-chronological: This format is the most popular and the most preferred by employers. (It’s the tried and true resume standard!) It’s the best format if you have a strong work history with no employment gaps. It’s also the best option to showcase experience because it provides a clear timeline of your career progression. In this format, your work history and experience are listed in reverse-chronological order, starting with your most recent position.
  • Functional: The functional format is usually used by individuals who have gaps in their work history, have changed careers a few times, or have little relevant experience. Your skills and abilities are listed first in this format instead of your work history. 
  • Combination: This format mixes the reverse-chronological and functional formats to place equal emphasis on skills and work history.

It’s difficult to know which format to choose when writing your resume. If you’re unsure which to choose, it’s best to use the reverse-chronological format because it’s easy to read with a logical flow. Plus, it’s the unofficial standard for resumes, so employers (and the ATS) know how to scan it quickly.

Digital marketing resume header

You already know the importance of marketing, so when it comes to your resume header, this is where you should display relevant information prominently. It should be located at the top of your digital marketing resume.

The font you use for your name should be larger than that of the rest of the resume, and you should also include the job title (slightly smaller than your name) of the role you’re seeking.

Underneath your title and name, you need to put your contact information, starting with your email address. Avoid using the email you created in high school—if the only handle you have is [email protected], it takes just a few minutes for a tech-savvy individual such as yourself to set up a new Gmail account with a professional handle.

After your email, add your phone number in case employers wish to contact you directly. Then it’s up to you whether you list your location (just your city and state) and social media links. Your location may be important to alert employers to your availability for an in-person interview, but you can leave it out if you’re out of state.

If you have a LinkedIn profile or other professional websites, list the URLs in your contact header. This is a good way to showcase your skills and experience to employers. (Plus, many employers require your LinkedIn profile on your application.)

What you need to know about the ATS

When you’re applying for a digital marketing position, it’s important to know about applicant tracking systems, also known as the ATS. Employers use the ATS to scan resumes and filter through potential candidates. If your resume isn’t formatted correctly or lacks keywords, it will be filtered out, and you won’t be considered for the position.

If you’re using a Google Docs resume template or a Word resume template, consider certain formatting elements to beat the ATS: 

  • Use standard one-inch margins on all sides of your resume; reduce it by a half-inch if needed. This makes it easier for employers to read, and your digital marketing resume won’t look cramped.
  • Choose a simple, standard font, such as Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman. Don’t use a script or ornamental font because it will be difficult to read.
  • Use a font size of 10-12 points for the body of your resume. Section headers should be larger at 14-16 points.
  • Organize your resume logically with the most important information at the top. The easiest way to do this is to list your experience and education in reverse-chronological order. This format will ensure the reader will see your most recent experience and education first.

Your digital marketing resume writing guide

Though you’re a pro when it comes to marketing, it’s daunting to try and market yourself with only a single page. Building a resume is never going to be easy, but it can be a lot easier when you take it section by section with a resume maker.

Important factors in building your digital marketing resume:

  • Resume objectives and summaries 
  • Work experience 
  • Digital marketing skills 
  • Education and certifications 
  • Projects, interests, and hobbies

Do you need a resume objective or summary?

resume objective is a short statement explaining what you’re looking for in a job and what you can offer. A resume summary is a longer, more detailed explanation of your aggregated skills, experience, and accomplishments.

You won’t need to use either one for your digital marketing resume most of the time. For an objective or summary to work, it must be specific. Skip this section altogether if you can’t commit to customizing your objective/summary to each job for which you apply.

Think you might want to include an objective or summary anyway? Here’s when you should consider using an objective

  • You’re changing careers
  • You do not have much experience

And here’s when a summary might be the key to winning the day: 

  • You have at least 10+ years of experience
  • You want to highlight an accomplished work history

Excellent objective

Analytically-minded digital marketing graduate with a 12-week internship experience in social media management, analytics implementation, email acquisition, and web analytics. Eager to develop my skills under expert leadership within a team setting, where I can contribute to paid search and social media campaigns for Ritchie Bros. 

Why it works

This objective clearly states the company and the specific role the job candidate is seeking, pulling keywords, such as “paid search” and “social media campaigns” from the marketing job description. The job seeker demonstrates why they’re a good fit for this role by beginning with appropriate background information and skills. 

Excellent summary

Seasoned and goal-oriented digital marketer with 12 years of experience managing and executing successful marketing campaigns across multiple channels, including online, offline, and mobile. I have a proven track record of increasing website traffic and conversions by more than 25% through SEO/SEM, social media, email marketing, and content strategy. Looking forward to joining a tech startup like Steadily, where I can accelerate the growth of the company through a decade-plus of experience and mentorship of junior digital marketers. 

Why it works

This summary highlights 12 years of experience in digital marketing and explains why the candidate is suited for the job with quantifiable metrics aggregated across total work history. The summary also includes keywords like conversions and SEO from the job description.

Digital Marketing Work Experience

Job seeker in purple shirt reviews past accomplishments and statistics to include in job materials

When writing the bullet points for your work history, think about relevant experience. Three to four job experiences are the sweet spot, but if you have fewer than two, we have some tricks that will improve your digital marketing resume. If you’ve had many jobs, keep them handy on a master resume, but don’t list every position; just include the most relevant ones that fit the job description. 

Writing your work experience bullet points

When writing work experience in a bulleted list, active verbs are the best way to describe your expertise and show your work in action. As a digital marketer, the following active verbs could serve you well:

  • Strategized 
  • Launched
  • Created 
  • Automated 
  • Optimized 
  • Led 
  • Improved 
  • Exceeded 
  • Coordinated 
  • Executed 

Avoid using passive language like “was responsible for.” Similarly, personal pronouns (I, me, my) are space wasters. 

The following three work experience bullet points are a solid start but still lacking:

  • I managed a team of 10 employees
  • Directed all online marketing campaigns
  • Collaborated with management to enhance automation

To be fair, these bullet points have some solid information we can leverage, but they’re still too vague. They fail to demonstrate how your duties gave way to achievement. 

With active language, role specifics, and quantifiable metrics, these become much stronger bullet points:

  • Managed a team of 8 junior digital marketers to increase online sales conversions by 10% within 3 months
  • Directed an email campaign that increased website traffic by 22% in 2020
  • Collaborated with marketing leaders to automate the creation of reports around conversion rate, traffic, conversion funnels, and retention, saving 13 hours of manual reporting each week

Does every bullet point need some sort of metric or quantifier? No. However, it should be a goal to shoot for.

Demonstrate your impact with metrics

Let’s dive further into metrics. Metrics are important because they allow the reader to determine your effectiveness in your role and if you met expectations. These numbers must demonstrate how you impacted the company directly or indirectly.

So, when listing work history, include metrics that support your experience. Aim to have metrics in 60 percent or more of your bullet points, so you’ll be ahead of your competition. Metrics can be derived from several areas: 

  • SEO and site traffic performance 
  • Marketing campaign results 
  • Conversion rate improvements 

For example, your job experience bullet points could look something like tho which you apply. If you’d rather not take the time to tailor it to each position, you’re better off leaving this section out. 

  • Led SEO efforts and conversion funnels to generate 170K unique monthly visitors and $1.8M in monthly revenue
  • Tracked email and social campaigns and identified areas to optimize in SEO, design, and content, resulting in an average of 7% more customers per month 
  • Created reporting around paid marketing funnels and leveraged this to improve the conversion rate by 210% incrementally

Best digital marketing skills to include

There are two kinds of skills to include on your resume: hard and soft skills.

Hard skills are technical abilities specific to the job, like A/B testing or Google Analytics. Soft skills are more general traits that employers appreciate across most jobs, like teamwork or communication. While soft skills are important, your digital marketing resume should contain mostly hard skills

Hard skills might include:

  • Social media advertising
  • Brand awareness
  • Google Analytics
  • Email campaigns 
  • Lead generation 
  • Conversion funnels 
  • HubSpot

Soft skills (again, not the focus) might include:

  • Interpersonal communication 
  • Self-motivated 
  • Detail-oriented 
Digital marketing resume skills

These are ordinary hard and soft skills used in digital marketing, but there are many more for which an employer may be looking. Pay close attention to the keywords listed in the marketing job description, then use that to tailor your skills section with six to ten relevant keywords. 

Education and certifications

At minimum, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree to begin your career in digital marketing. This means you can skip listing your high school diploma if you’ve got a degree. If you have a master’s degree, include your bachelor’s as well and list them in reverse-chronological order. 

Especially once you’ve gotten some years under your belt, you don’t need to include anything fancy. Just list the basics: 

  • The name of your college or university
  • Your degree
  • Your major
  • How many years you attended (it’s fine just to list the graduation year)

If you want to show off further training, you can add a dedicated certifications section. Certifications don’t take the place of a degree, but some employers may request certain certs from you. There’s a world of certifications available for you to pursue through Google, Coursera, Facebook, YouTube, and many more.

Certs range in experience level, price, and requirements. If you do have a cert(s) or plan to pursue one, this sort of thing is simple to include. You can briefly list it in the sidebar or at the bottom of your resume. 

Do you need to add projects, interests, or hobbies?

Most resumes don’t include projects, but sometimes they can be helpful to give the recruiter more information about you, especially if you’re short on previous job experience. 

If you’re including projects on your digital marketing resume, treat projects as you would your work experience section by listing three to six bullet points under each. Like your work experience bullet points, your project bullet points will demonstrate your role in the project and the positive outcomes. Metrics are encouraged here, too. 

Projects could range from anything to developing a social media campaign for a small business or tinkering with a personal blog and optimizing SEO performance. 

Adding an interests and hobbies section isn’t the same as a projects section. Consider including this section if the job description references the importance of a good company cultural fit or if they seem pretty casual. Even if the company is casual, it’s not okay to list any ol’ thing. Binge-watching Netflix and napping on the weekends are not the kinds of things you want to advertise to potential employers (but hey, we understand the importance of a good nap).

Instead, opt for interests and hobbies for which you can intelligently demonstrate relevance to the job if asked during an interview.

For example, as a digital marketer, experimenting with French cuisine demonstrates that you’re a self-starter who is creative and doesn’t mind trying new things. As another example, playing rugby throughout college shows that you’re well-rounded and can balance your time well.

Digital marketing resume projects

Tailoring your digital marketing resume to each job

If you’ve made it this far, you’re nearly there, just hang in there for this critical piece of advice. Tailor your digital marketing resume to each job you apply for.

Tailoring your resume is easier than you think. You only need to slightly adjust the following sections:

  • Work experience bullet points
  • Skills
  • Objective/summary (if you included one)

We’ve discussed the importance of reading the job description carefully and including the keywords mentioned. Don’t do a copy/paste job, and be honest about your abilities. Include keywords strategically to show your employer that you have the skills and experience needed.

Ensure your resume is flawless

Lastly, don’t let your resume fall into anyone’s hands until it’s perfectly polished and error-free. Let your resume rest overnight before you return for a final look. For best results, check your resume multiple times and even better, have a friend or trusted colleague look it over, too!

Land your digital marketing job

At last, you made it! Maybe you still have to finishing writing your resume, but we’re confident that your resume will be better with these tried and tested tips. 

Just remember:

  • Your resume format matters greatly, and the reverse-chronological format is your best friend. 
  • Use your contact header to market yourself quickly by placing it at the top of your document. 
  • Plan to beat the ATS by including keywords in the job description.
  • An objective or summary is optional, but if you want to include one, tailor it to the job.
  • Use active language and metrics in your work experience bullet points to leverage your abilities.
  • Job-specific technical skills, particularly those listed in the job description, hold more weight than soft skills.
  • List your education in reverse-chronological order.
  • Projects, interests, and hobbies might be appropriate to add if you’re short on experience. 
  • Customize your resume for every job application.
  • Never submit a resume unless it’s error-free, so check it multiple times!

There you have it! With these tips, you’re one step closer to landing your dream digital marketing job. Now, you can become a professional resume builder and work on your digital marketing cover letter, so you can get more interviews.

We’re cheering you on!