3 Breakfast Cook Resume Examples Proven to Work in 2024

Stephen Greet
Stephen Greet January 14, 2024
3 Breakfast Cook Resume Examples Proven to Work in 2024

Good morning, early riser! You’re there in the kitchen with the sunrise, preparing ingredients and assembling cooking equipment. You also jump right into taking breakfast orders and cooking away, including making any modifications based on customer requests.

But you might be wondering what resume template will allow you to convey your enthusiastic attitude and cooking skills so recruiters know how much of a ninja you are in the kitchen.

You’re in good hands! We’ve helped plenty of cooks write a cover letter and get their resumes in order, and we have three breakfast cook resume examples here to help you out, too.

Breakfast Cook Resume

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Breakfast cook resume example with 5+ years experience

Professional Breakfast Cook Resume

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Professional breakfast cook resume example with 5+ years experience

Formal Breakfast Cook Resume

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Formal breakfast cook resume example with 5+ years experience

What Matters Most: Your Skills Section & Work Experience

Your resume skills and work experience

Recruiters want to know that you have all the “ingredients” for a great morning cook. You might handle everything from ingredient and food prep to helping your coworkers open the store and start processing orders, so think about what skills might go with those tasks.

Profession-specific skills, like “food prep” or “order modifications” speak for themselves. But you might also perform tasks that require a bit of re-wording to specifically shout “breakfast cook!”

If you identify and label which inventory should be used first, say “morning inventory,” and list skills like “kitchen safety” instead of just “cleanliness.”

  • Ingredient Prep
  • Morning Inventory
  • Inventory Management
  • Food Safety
  • Restaurant Opening
  • Order Modification
  • Active Listening
  • Problem-Solving
  • Deep Frying

Sample breakfast cook work experience bullet points

Now that you’ve laid all your skills out on the table like a delicious-looking breakfast combo, it’s time to describe how you’ve utilized those skills! Recruiters need to see how you’ve created success to form opinions on what you could do in the future.

How did you reduce maintenance costs by staying on top of kitchen equipment upkeep? When did you break a new record for keeping customers happy during a mind-boggling breakfast rush?

Oh, and make sure you have numbers for those achievements! Recruiters need quantifiable data to use as metrics for your impact. Think of work hours you eliminated with your strategic thinking, or customer satisfaction rates you increased.

Check out some examples:

  • Assisted other cooks with prep work, increasing efficiency by 13%
  • Adjusted menu plans and seasonal item rotation, reducing waste by 14% and saving $4.7K+ per quarter
  • Cleaned work area, supplies, and appliances before and after shifts, decreasing opening and closing times by 7 minutes
  • Greeted guests and mentioned special menu items, increasing customer satisfaction by 17%

Top 5 Tips for Your Breakfast Cook Resume

  1. Look for transferable skills
    • If your previous work experience isn’t all about opening the kitchen for breakfast, you can still find areas that overlap and reinforce your qualifying skills! After all, any knowledge of kitchen equipment maintenance or customer order modification will help in your next role.
  2. Keep your layout tidy
    • Keep that resume as clean as your breakfast workstation. Lots of applicants hope to stand out by using zany colors or distracting fonts, but you want to streamline your resume for readability. Recruiters only have a few seconds to skim!
  3. Call upon those references
    • If you have any other coworkers, previous bosses, or managers who will vouch for your ability to think on your feet and adapt to your new breakfast-cooking role, don’t keep it a secret! See if they’ll write you a professional letter of recommendation to include with your resume.
  4. Customize your “orders”
    • Revisit the job description. Read it carefully. Now think of it as a kitchen order: Each one has unique details and often modifications to be made! Answer each job description individually by mirroring points they emphasize, like “fast service” or “top-tier inventory management”.
  5. One page, please!
    • Your resume should only be one page long. It can even be a bit shorter than that if you’re great at outlining your skills concisely, so don’t be afraid to give your awesome breakfast rush teamwork and inventory management accomplishments some breathing room.
Which template should I pick?

That depends on which of your info sections is the most compelling! If you have an impressive degree in Culinary Arts or an unusually specialized skill list, then our resume template layouts with side columns might give them the limelight they deserve. If you’d rather place emphasis on your experiences, let them span the whole page!

Are there any metrics that aren’t good?

We’re so glad you asked: Free-floating numbers that aren’t tied to your main impact metric aren’t the best. You don’t want your main experience point to be about how many people you worked with—it should be about how you satisfied breakfast customers and boosted profits with your team.

What if I don’t have much education?

That’s A-okay! Breakfast cooks generally only need a high school education or GED, depending on the establishment. If you have a higher degree, then list it! But if not, you can still show your qualifications through skills and experiences.