3 Stay at Home Mom Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024

Stephen Greet
Stephen Greet July 10, 2024
3 Stay at Home Mom Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024

Ready to re-enter the workforce after all those diaper changes, learning activities, and snack preparations? Don’t forget how many soft skills and organizational powers go into being a stay-at-home mom! You’ve got the makings for an excellent resume at hand.

We know that writing a cover letter isn’t the easiest job. So how do you create a cover letter that translates all your mom superpowers into the right kind of terminology to hook your dream job?

Don’t worry! We’ve helped plenty of parents with their stay-at-home mom resumes, and now we’ve put together our stay-at-home mom cover letter examples to help you get ready to roll!

Stay at Home Mom Cover Letter Example


Stay at home mom cover letter example

Copy this text for your stay at home mom cover letter!

123 Fictional Avenue
Austin, TX 76208
(123) 456-7890

August 30, 2023

Jackson Smith
Tucson Medical Center
123 Fictional Lane
Denton, TX 85641

Dear Mr. Smith,

As a stay-at-home mother who has relied on the critical support of Tucson Medical Center, I hold an intimate appreciation for the exceptional services you provide. Now, motivated by my personal experiences and fortified with over four years of experience in data entry and more, I am enthusiastic about giving back from the other end.

At Denton Financial Group, I managed a comprehensive customer database using Google Sheets. Implementing rigorous data validation protocols such as range checks and cross-field validation minimized data inconsistencies by 21%.

A project to digitize the entire inventory catalog at Image Microsystems saw my typing skills and accuracy put to good use. I completed the project three weeks ahead of schedule, saving the company an estimated $79K in project expenses. Attached are my typing speed test results, which are equally impressive.

While working for FirstCare Health Plans, I was instrumental in structuring and maintaining the company’s CRM database, validating over 112 sources of data and improving data extraction time by 11%. This led to a 4.8% uptick in the efficiency of the sales and marketing division.

Your commitment to delivering superior healthcare services is inspiring, and I would be honored to be part of your prestigious team. I look forward to discussing how my background and skills could benefit your operations. Thank you for your time.


Aisha Obi

Typing Speed Test Results

Why this cover letter works

  • Few things resonate better than admitting in a stay at home mom cover letter that the hiring company has directly and positively impacted your life.
    • Enthusiasm aside, leverage your storytelling to expound on your data-entry-related skills and wins (in this case, data-entry-related), underpinning them with tangible metrics. Go ahead and tell the prospective employer what you can do for them.

Level up your
cover letter game

Relax! We’ll do the heavy lifting to write your cover letter in seconds.

Stay at Home Mom Returning to Work Cover Letter Example


Stay at home mom returning to work cover letter example

Copy this text for your stay at home mom returning for work cover letter!

123 Fictional Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94016
(123) 456-7890

August 30, 2023

Emma Hill
Wells Fargo
123 Fictional Lane
San Francisco, CA 94016

Dear Ms. Hill:

As Wells Fargo sets its sights on a proficient and diligent senior bank teller, I am keen to bring my strong skills in transaction and check processing. Carrying a sturdy commitment to the banking sector and a solid background in customer service, I am eager to resume my professional journey and contribute towards the success of your esteemed establishment. My skills, refined over various tenures, will enable me not only to fit into the role at Wells Fargo but also to add substantial value to your team.

My background in the banking sector has been indispensable in shaping my knowledge of its nuances and complexities. While serving in Bank of the West, I utilized a range of banking software, including Fiserv, to effectively manage transactions, which increased processing speed by 41%. Notably, my skills in check processing helped us reduce error rates by 37%, contributing significantly to customer satisfaction.

In recognizing the rampant escalation of fraudulent activities in the financial sector, fraud prevention was at the core of my tenure at Golden 1 Credit Union. Here, I was instrumental in developing security protocols, resulting in an impressive 46% reduction in fraud cases within my first year. This achievement not only saved the credit union substantial resources but also fortified the trust of our customers.

My recent hiatus from the banking scene to be a stay-at-home mom has by no means diminished my capabilities; instead, it has instilled in me superior multitasking abilities, precise attention to detail, and unparalleled determination. By blending these varied skills, complemented by an unwavering determination to reenter the workforce, I’ll be sure to tackle all challenges that come my way at Wells Fargo.

Please reach out at your earliest convenience to discuss how I can contribute to your team. Thank you for your consideration.


Amina Ibrahim

Why this cover letter works

  • A significant career break will no doubt raise eyebrows. However, you can emulate how Amina transforms this hiatus into an asset, highlighting how it bestowed her with additional skills relevant to the role.
    • Moreover, don’t underestimate the power of showcasing your knowledge and passion for the employer’s sector with evidence of significant contributions to previous workplaces in your stay at home mom returning to work cover letter.

Stay at Home Mom Returning to Teaching Cover Letter Example


Stay at home mom returning to teaching cover letter example

Copy this text for your stay at home mom returning to teaching cover letter!

123 Fictional Avenue
Chicago, IL 60007
(123) 456-7890

August 30, 2023

Mia Taylor
Rowe Elementary School
123 Fictional Lane
Chicago, IL 60007

Dear Ms. Taylor,

As a determined, inventive, and tech-skilled stay-at-home mom, I devote my days to nurturing the curiosity and fostering the imagination of my children while implementing and experimenting with various e-learning practices in our home setting. My heart has a special place for education and the significant impact innovative teaching methods can have on a child’s development and learning. That’s why I am thrilled for the chance to return to the professional world as your next elementary teacher at Rowe Elementary School.

In my prior role at the Latin School of Chicago, I was instrumental in designing and integrating Learning Management Systems (LMS), particularly Google Classroom. This led to a 13% increase in student engagement metrics, the management of 37% more assignments, and the regular monitoring and evaluation of student progress. During my tenure, I recognized the power of digital storytelling in enhancing the learning experience. Using platforms such as Adobe Spark, I curated content that improved reading comprehension scores among my students by 19%.

Besides, I utilized Classroom Technology, specifically SmartBoards, to create interactive lesson plans that boosted the overall classroom participation rate by 27% and enriched the educational experience at Loyola Academy. Aside from these pedagogical methods, I have become proficient in associated software. Programs such as Edmodo and parent-teacher communication platforms like Remind101 have been integral in maintaining a solid line of communication with parents, facilitating transparency and collaboration.

With my previous experiences and the technological skills honed as a stay-at-home mom, I am poised to facilitate an environment where Rowe Elementary School students thrive, guided by technology and creativity. I look forward to discussing how my qualifications can further contribute to your vision of delivering well-rounded, quality education to our future pioneers.

Thank you,

Freya Hansen

Why this cover letter works

  • This stay at home mom returning to teaching cover letter is off to an excellent start by linking time away from work to career aspirations.
    • But again, you must prove your competence. This candidate doesn’t just highlight quantified impacts in previous roles. She further shows proficiency with different software programs unique to the job.

How to Craft Your Stay at Home Mom Cover Letter

Salesperson pops out of computer screen to depict outselling the competition with sales cover letter

One of the most important and consistent pieces of advice you’ll get from us is: Tailor your cover letter to each job description! For example, if you’re hoping to re-enter the food service industry, think of all the planning and hands-on abilities that went into meals you’ve prepared.

Also, look again at the job requirements and see where you overlap. Think creatively about some of the stuff you do around home. Are you great at rearranging the layout of a room, or maybe at maintaining a busy schedule?

Writing your best greeting and intro

Make sure you address your cover letter to a specific person by name! By putting in the research it takes to find the name of the hiring manager or recruiter, you demonstrate attentiveness and attention to detail.

Hook the reader’s attention with a very brief mention of a broader skill set or experience you have that qualifies you for your new field . . . Share a couple of examples of skills you currently have that relate directly to the job, and they’ll want to know more!

Try to make a connection with the company, too. What kinds of industry obstacles are they looking to overcome, and how can you help? What’s their mission statement, and how does your alignment with it make you a great fit after all your family accomplishments at home?

Just don’t use an opener that’s low-effort, informal, or vague:


Hi I’m Bobby,

I’m really ready to start working again. I used to work on computers so now I’d like to do that again at your company.

Connecting with the company right away really highlights how any upcoming potential or skills will benefit the role at hand (and make readers wonder what exactly you can do!).

This opener’s a winner!

Dear Ms. Hill:

As Wells Fargo sets its sights on a proficient and diligent senior banker teller, I am keen to bring my strong skills in transaction and bank profession. Carrying a sturdy commitment to the banking sector and a solid background in customer service, I am eager to resume my professional journey and contribute towards the success of your esteemed establishment. My skills, refined over various tenures, will enable me not only to fit into the role at Wells Fargo but also to add substantial value to your team.

Writing the body paragraphs

As a stay-at-home mom, boy do you have some stories to tell! It’ll be more of a challenge to narrow down your achievements to just the ones that relate to your job application. But it’s worth it to show how efficient and adaptable you are.

Look at the job description and the organization’s website to see what they value, and base your success stories around those. It’s best to stick with just one main point per paragraph, and to use active language that reflects keywords from the job ad.

You want to construct a paragraph that revolves around one of your best achievements, leveraging skills that relate to your dream job. Talk about what you did, how and why, and what kind of impact you had. And measure that impact with percentages, ratings, or feedback systems whenever possible!

Here’s a well-made body paragraph

My recent hiatus from the banking scene to be a stay-at-home mom has only added to the capabilities demonstrated by by success in reducing fraud cases by 46%. I’ve since developed superior multitasking abilities, precise attention to detail, and unparalleled resilience. By blending this variety of skills, complemented by an unwavering determination to re-enter the workforce, I’ll be sure to tackle all new challenges that come my way at Wells Fargo.

Closing and signing your cover letter

Now it’s time to conclude your cover letter with a punchy paragraph that outlines your qualifications one last time before your signoff! Summarize how your skills and values transfer to the role to show how your experience as a mom makes you a great hire.

Don’t forget to include a call to action, which should invite the reader to contact you again. You want to establish further contact so that you can share more compelling stories of your professionalism and readiness to re-enter the workforce.

Thank the reader for their time, too. You can either work that into your closing paragraph or just use it as your closer before your name. Whichever way you choose, ensure that your final signoff is formal and uses your real, full name.

Don’t go for a weak, unenthusiastic, and informal closer like this one:


Thanks I hope you want me to work for your company, I’m really good at data entry.


This next one’s way better. Try addressing the institution and their values directly and using a call to action to address their current goals and establish a memorable connection.

Now that’s nice!

With my previous experiences and the technological skills honed as a stay-at-home mom, I am poised to facilitate an environment where Rowe Elementary School students thrive, guided by technology and creativity. I look forward to discussing how my qualifications can further contribute to your vision of delivering well-rounded, quality education to our future pioneers.

Thank you,

Freya Hansen

How long should my cover letter be?

Keep things short and sweet with just on page! You’re familiar with kids’ short attention spans, but did you know that recruiters only have a few seconds, on average, to skim over each page of your application? Deliver your qualifying info quickly!

What about enclosures?

You can absolutely include a line at the end of your cover letter that reads “Enclosure:” or “Enclosures:” according to the number of things you’re including. (Consider enclosing a letter of recommendation or any special certificates that relate to your field in your application package.)

Where do I find my addressee?

Hopefully, you can scroll through the job description or “Our Team” page of the organization’s website, and it’ll be just that easy! But if you’re having trouble finding a name, see if they have a professional Facebook or LinkedIn page you can check.