3 Physician Assistant Cover Letter Examples for 2024 

Stephen Greet
Stephen Greet July 5, 2024
3 Physician Assistant Cover Letter Examples for 2024 

As a physician assistant (PA), you help doctors and other workers in the medical ecosystem ensure that each patient gets optimal care. You primarily stick with minor procedures within the patient-facing area of your role, although you might still diagnose and treat common ailments under supervision.

However, you might be uncertain about how to exhibit your professional value when writing a cover letter. Will it adequately complement your physician assistant resume? How do you show recruiters that you excel at your job and make recovery easier?

Pave your way to success with our three physician assistant cover letter examples and cover letter generator. We’ve been helping people in medical roles for years and have learned a thing or two, so try our time-tested hints.

Physician Assistant Cover Letter Example


Physician assistant cover letter example

Copy this text for your Physician Assistant cover letter!

123 Fictional Lane
Fresno, CA 93701
(123) 456-7890

October 30, 2023

Carter Lopez
Saint Agnes Medical Center
123 Fictional Lane
Fresno, CA 93701

Dear Mr. Lopez,

Imagine for a moment, a candidate whose expertise has skyrocketed patient satisfaction by 38%, whose meticulous use of medical tools and software has reduced treatment times by 19%, and whose dedication to healthcare is an unwavering beacon in an ever-evolving field. That candidate stands before you, in the form of this letter, eager to bring a blend of hands-on expertise and proven skills to Saint Agnes Medical Center as a physician assistant.

During my tenure as a physician assistant intern at Willow Urgent Care, I collaborated closely with a multidisciplinary team, leveraging state-of-the-art software and tools to provide an unprecedented level of care to our patients. This not only streamlined our treatment protocols but also enhanced patient outcomes by an impressive 28%.

My experience as a receptionist at Valley Health Team equipped me with profound knowledge of patient interaction and front-end healthcare administration. Using specialized software, I ensured seamless appointment scheduling, leading to a 24% decrease in wait times. My dedication to patient care was mirrored in my ability to address queries promptly and resolve complaints—achieving a notable 98% resolution rate without needing escalation.

What truly sets me apart is the synthesis of my clinical acumen and administrative dexterity. At Saint Agnes Medical Center, a prestigious institution known for its unwavering commitment to patient care, I envision a synergy that will further elevate the standard of care provided. My passion, combined with your institution’s storied reputation, can set new benchmarks in healthcare.

I’m eager to discuss how my background aligns seamlessly with the ethos and objectives of Saint Agnes Medical Center. I look forward to the opportunity of discussing my potential contributions and I’m available at your earliest convenience for an interview. Thank you for considering my application.


Emre Yilmaz

2 letters of recommendation
Academic transcript

Why this cover letter works

  • How about going against the grain by letting your physician assistant cover letter intro talk about your achievements? You’ll come across as a candidate who knows their craft and confident – two attributes that recruiters value the most.
    • Be sure to include achievements that directly relate to the role you’re applying for. Anything else will treated as blowing your own trumpet.

Level up your
cover letter game

Relax! We’ll do the heavy lifting to write your cover letter in seconds.

Physician Assistant New Grad Cover Letter Example


Physician assistant new grad cover letter example

Copy this text for your Physician Assistant New Grad cover letter!

123 Fictional Lane
Sacramento, CA 95814
(123) 456-7890

October 30, 2023

Grace Hill
UC Davis Health
123 Fictional Lane
Sacramento, CA 95814

Dear Ms. Hill:

As an enthusiastic and passionate orthopedic physician assistant, I’m writing to express my genuine interest in joining the UC Davis Health team. From my very first anatomy class, to every interaction with a patient, my desire to contribute to the field of orthopedics has only grown stronger. That passion, coupled with my relentless pursuit to learn and excel, has shaped my academic and professional journey.

In college, my peers and I recognized the critical importance of equipping primary caregivers with adequate knowledge and tools. Through meticulous research and practical application, we successfully implemented a program that improved recovery times by an impressive 39%. Additionally, we integrated Brace to enable caregivers to track, monitor, and report patient progress with ease and precision.

As an orthopedic physician assistant intern at UnitedHealth Group, I expanded my clinical skills, with a notable proficiency in diagnostic imaging interpretation, orthopedic assessment, and procedures such as casting and splinting. Utilizing computed tomography, I could quickly interpret diagnostic images, which not only improved our workflow but also enhanced our decision-making process.

Thank you for considering my application. I’m eager to discuss how I can be a part of UC Davis Health’s commitment to exceptional patient care.


Isla Martinez

Why this cover letter works

  • You may not know this, but your school practical projects are crucial in showing your potential to employer when you’re a fresh graduate.
    • Look at how Isla’ physician assistant new grad cover letter leverages a research project that saw her, together with classmates, design a project that would help homecare provide better care recovering patients. Such an approach would give recruiters a view of your capabilities.

Dermatology Physician Assistant Cover Letter Example


Dermatology physician assistant cover letter example

Copy this text for your Dermatology Physician Assistant cover letter!

123 Fictional Lane
Kansas City, MO 64101
(123) 456-7890

October 30, 2023

Lucas Scott
Kansas City Dermatology
123 Fictional Lane
Kansas City, MO 64101

Dear Mr. Scott,

As a seasoned dermatology physician assistant with a proven record of excellence in dermatological care, I’m eager to bring my unique blend of clinical acumen and genuine patient empathy to Kansas City Dermatology. My experience at both CompHealth and Barton Associates has honed my skills and nurtured my passion for the art and science of dermatology, equipping me to be a valuable addition to your team.

At CompHealth, I was privileged to work as a medical assistant, where I contributed to a significant 37% increase in patient satisfaction through meticulous patient intake and efficient procedural setups. I assisted the lead dermatologist in assessment, skin biopsy, cryotherapy, and wound care and suturing, ensuring that each patient felt comfortable and well-informed about the care they received. My ability to connect with patients and put them at ease has been recognized on several occasions, further solidifying my commitment to patient-centered care.

Transitioning to Barton Associates as an administrative assistant, I was responsible for optimizing administrative workflows, leading to a 24% improvement in overall operational efficiency. My proactive approach ensured seamless communication between departments, prompt appointment scheduling, and the swift resolution of any patient or administrative concerns.

It would be an honor to contribute to your mission of providing unparalleled care to the community. I’m confident that my background, combined with my dedication to both clinical excellence and patient well-being, aligns perfectly with the values and goals of your institution.

Thank you for considering my application. I’m enthusiastic about the opportunity to further discuss how my experience and vision can benefit Kansas City Dermatology.


Rafael Silva

Why this cover letter works

  • Wherever you’ve worked before, were you a highly efficient performer? Potential employers want to know, and you can be sure to get hired.
    • A great example is how this dermatology physician assistant cover letter highlights the role in improving operational efficiency by 24 percent and ensuring better workflow.

How to Write A Memorable Physician Assistant Cover Letter

Salesperson pops out of computer screen to depict outselling the competition with sales cover letter

Each organization, facility, and clinic is different, so adjust your cover letter for each job ad you apply to. You don’t want your cover letter to emphasize work experiences that center around oncology if you’re applying for a physician assistant role in a pediatric practice!

Your job skills and personal traits that make you an excellent fit for the job should match the job description, showing how you understand the nuances in your field.

Writing your greeting and introduction

Just like it’s important to show each patient that you care by addressing them by name, you’ll need to find out who you’re writing your cover letter to. Shun vague greetings that look like placeholders and research the company to find out who’s in charge of the hiring process so you can greet them by name.

Next, your opening paragraph should share why you want the job and why you’re qualified for it—AKA, why they want you to be their next physician assistant! Drop in some relevant traits and skills (reference your physician assistant resume for inspiration) to show your understanding of the role and connect with the company by aligning yourself with their values.

Make sure you hook your audience here, too! Don’t cram your opening paragraph with too much good stuff. Leave the reader wanting more.

Just avoid coming across as informal, pompous, or informal like . . . this:

Ouch . . .

Hi to the hiring manager:

I don’t know who your current physician assistants are but I bet I can do better because I have so many different skills. I’ll tell you about them now.

Instead, try an opener like this one, which connects with the company and its values through a passion for the role and a good hook:

That feels much better!

Dear Mr. Scott,

As a seasoned dermatology physician assistant with a proven record of excellence in dermatological care, I’m eager to bring my unique blend of clinical acumen and genuine patient empathy to Kansas City Dermatology. My experience at both CompHealth and Barton Associates has honed my skills and nurtured my passion for the art and science of dermatology, equipping me to be a valuable addition to your team.

Writing your body paragraphs well

What you put in your body paragraphs depends entirely on your niche as a physician assistant. Each paragraph should center around a primary success point, and that point should relate directly to the role you’re hoping for!

Share stories of how you expedited patient recovery and improved efficiency for other medical staff members. If you have additional credentials or certificates that helped you get the job done, like a CPR cert, add them, too.

Make sure you include metrics that bolster your achievements and give the reader a sense of scale for the positive differences you’ve made, such as a percentage to accentuate those patient recovery rates. Can you mention how many work hours you saved with your efficiency and responsiveness?

Example of a nice, memorable body paragraph

My experience as a receptionist at Valley Health Team equipped me with profound knowledge of patient interaction and front-end healthcare administration. Using specialized software, I ensured seamless appointment scheduling, leading to a 24% decrease in wait times. My dedication to patient care was mirrored in my ability to address queries promptly and resolve complaints, achieving a notable 98% resolution rate without needing escalation.

Closing and signing off your physician assistant cover letter

Your closing paragraph is your final opportunity to sum up your qualifications as a physician assistant—and why you and the company want you to fill that open role! Reconnect with the company and wrap up your alignment with their priorities.

Don’t forget to work a call to action into your closing paragraph. You want the opportunity to discuss more of your qualifications and how nicely they align with the job requirements! And always thank the reader for their time.

You can include your thank-you in the closer or use it as your signoff, depending on what flows better. If you decide not to use it as your signoff, use one that’s formal and professional. Always sign with your real name.

Don’t lapse and become vague or use nicknames or an inappropriately informal tone like in this ineffective closer:


Ok so there are my accomplishments and you can totally see how they’d help you out. I’m ready to start anytime so I can send more skills and stuff if you want.

Bye for now,


Look how much more effective it is to reinforce alignment with the organization’s values, include a call to action and a thank-you, and sign off with style:

Okay, that works!

I’m eager to discuss how my background aligns seamlessly with the ethos and objectives of Saint Agnes Medical Center. I look forward to the opportunity to delve into my potential contributions and I’m available at your earliest convenience for further discussion or an interview. Thank you for considering my application.


Emre Yilmaz

Physician Assistant Cover Letter Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Lack of active verbs
    • While you always want to present yourself professionally in your physician assistant cover letter, the last thing you want is to come across as low-energy! One of the best ways to demonstrate your ambition and enthusiasm for the job is to use active verbs while you write your PA cover letter. Think of words that get the reader imagining what you can do (think words like “ensured,” “collaborated,” “enhanced,” and “revolutionized”). Go for quality over quantity here since it can be easy to overdo it and make your cover letter too wordy. Pick specific verbs that reinforce your metrics and achievements.
  2. Body paragraph points aren’t job-specific
    • There are many moving parts within the medical ecosystem, so make sure you include keywords that speak to your niche as a physician assistant. You’ll also want to reference the original job description to find out exactly what talents they need: It’ll fall pretty flat if you focus on geriatric-specific treatments in a cover letter to a pediatric clinic!
  3. Writing lacks the proper tone
    • Since your expertise and readiness to help will set you apart as a PA, your cover letter should sound confident and authoritative. The recruiter should immediately see that you’re ready to take action, whether that’s alone or as part of a team. You’ll probably need to respond to emergencies and general (but urgent) medical needs, depending on the patient. Demonstrate these qualities through your examples, and reference the organization’s website and job ad to get an idea of the right company culture or “mood” for your cover letter.
How can I connect with the company?

Think of how you’d connect with people on a personal level, discussing things you have in common! Do the same with the company you’re applying to while maintaining the right angle at the back of your mind. “How does this alignment reinforce my excellence as a physician assistant?”

What kind of tone should I write in?

Refer to the job description again and the company website, too. Even their professional social media accounts are great places to get a feel for the company culture! Demonstrate the attentiveness you show patients by reflecting on the organization’s writing style in your cover letter.

Do I mention my enclosures?

Yes, we recommend this. Just write “Enclosures:” at the bottom of your cover letter and list whatever else you add to your application package. (Enclosures probably include the application itself, your resume, and any professional recommendations or relevant certificates that qualify you for a physician assistant role.)